Monday, April 26, 2010

loving on lululemon

It struck me as I was doing laundry this weekend that what took up the most space in the larger of my two hampers (yes I have two, my closet overflows with an abundance of clothes, its a problem...) was workout clothes. I stopped to think about this. I try to workout on average at least 3-4 times a week. Also, on most days, I rip off my work clothes as quickly as possible the moment I walk in the door and put on some lovely strechy pants. Thus I think I can safely say that I spend a large majority of my life in workout attire. That being said, I believe it is crucial that all women love their workout wear. On the whole, quite simply, I don't. Who wants to spend a bunch of money on clothes you are going to sweat in? Not I! I have more important things to buy, such as shoes and fabulous blouses. Yes yes! However, the one pair of workout pants I own that I actually like are none other than my precious lululemon groove pants I bought roughly 7 years ago. Thats right, 7 years ago. To this day, they still make me look and feel good when I am working up a sweat. Lululemon is the mecca of all things workout related. Their clothes are very well made, and the price tag reflects this. I argue that it is better to have 4 extremely well made pair of workout pants that last you 5+ years than a cheap pair that was on sale that you despise putting on and has holes after 6 months. I just pulled the trigger and went on a crazed shopping spree on their fabulous website, and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new lululemon attire. I cannot wait to do away with all the other sweaty, and entirely too worn out half priced crap that overflows from my hamper. I suggest you do the same!


  1. Ha! I applaud your effort to increae the quality of such essentials. But... I must also point out that for a laundry hoarder such as yourself, quantity is still very important!! Excited to see your fancy new gear. :)

  2. I have a gift card to lululemon that I haven't used yet - you've inspired me to get on with it!
